Helmets One Factor in Maryland Brain Injury
The National Transportation Safety Board recently conducted a forum on motorcycle crashes.Brought out at the meeting was the fact that Maryland is one of only 20 states that require all motorcycle riders to wear helmets in an attempt to cut down brain injury.
Opponents of mandatory helmet laws claim such laws violate their freedom of choice.
That freedom is being purchased at a steep price:
· Almost half of the 4,553 motorcyclists who died in the United States last year were not wearing helmets.
· In those 30 states that do not have helmet laws that apply to all riders, about two-thirds of the fatally injured motorcycle riders were not wearing helmets.
· In those states that do have such universal laws, 14 percent of the fatally injured motorcycle riders were not wearing helmets.
Last year Maryland had 85 motorcycle fatalities, an increase of 23 percent. Nine of those killed were not wearing helmets.